Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy and Satisfied

Sometimes you are so wrapped in the moment... in life... in enjoyment... in divine pleasure that blogging about it simply gets put to the side a bit. So sorry my readers. More has been happening in my life then I can simply keep up with. But now I will give you a taste of my yummy blessed life. Glory to you. Glory escapes out of your belly and manifests all around you! You bring the party, the joy, the life. There is nothing you can't do and not a moment you can't enjoy. Just be you cause there is no one quite like you!

I love being a nanny. I adore my four children ages 3 to 9. Loving them has been one of the most fulfilling things of my life. It is busy and chaotic and loud and crazy at times, but I love it! My day looks like waking up at 6:30 to prepare the three oldest for school the whole while listening to some jams on the computer. Next I drive them to school and start my day with the younger ones. I work in the garden, help do dishes, help do laundry, take kids to the park, change dirty pull ups, entertain, stop fights, give lots of loving, play anything and everything, prepare lunch, somehow fit my morning run in with that and a shower, get the older ones from school, help them get their home work and baths done, encourage them to play outside and not just computer and television, stop fights, love on them, sneak in some texts and quick phone calls, help prepare and clean up dinner, play more with the kids, get them ready for bed, read the two older ones a chapter of the Chronicles of Narnia, give them their hugs and kisses and "I love yous" before bed, prepare their lunch bags for tomorrow's school, take a moment to check my email and facebook, and by 8:30 or 9:00 my little body is done and I pass out once my head hits the pillow. It is a happy tired from a very fulfilled purposeful day. And of course weekends include park trips and crazy water fights of which I am Queen of the hose. Once in awhile there is down time. And I manage to get breaks of course. But I really am loving it! I am aware 24/7 of God and enjoying Him constantly and experiencing His divine grace in my life.

Another absolutely amazing thing! God has brought a man into my life. He really popped out of no where at one of my Jesus meetings. It has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Our whole relationship has been effortless and wonderful and full of His divine grace. Never have I met a man that reminds me more of my Father and sees me and treats me the way my Father does. And yet he is 100 percent his own person with a personality that suits my own to a tee. His name is Shane. He is handsome and wonderful from inside out. I have never enjoyed someone more in my life or found it so easy to be myself around someone. Our times together involve long talks on the phone, playing with the kids together, eating good food, exploring new places, being silly, helping and supporting each other, and just enjoying and learning about one another. It is exciting how God is leading our relationship and how we are experiencing His divine grace and love through it all. This has become a whole new way for me to experience heaven. I am blown away by the love of my God.

Now this weekend I will be going to my first Mystical School led by John Crowder. Shane will be there of course and many of my friends as well. I am very excited. One I will get some time off, two I will get to see so many people experience revelation of grace, three more time with Shane (giant smile face), four I am excited how God will use me to bless people, and to be honest if God has something in store for me specifically I just don't see how. He has already blessed me so much and made me so happy. I just don't see how He can make me any more satisfied. I give Him absolute permission to blow me away more of course. If I get any happier I just might have to fly.

I love you all my readers!!! Remember no matter what you are going through or feeling that He loves you, everything is covered and fixed, complete glory is inside of you and bursting out like a never ending well spring, you can do anything you want, and remember that Christ fills all in all. Live for pleasure (He is pleasure), live to enjoy (He is enjoyment), live to experience (He floods all experiences). And after tasting Him you can't even go back to any lesser experiences. No need to worry about sin because you are too busy drinking and manifesting His glory. And remember you are drunk and manifesting the kingdom by just being you and doing what you love and enjoy most. So freedom, love, blessings, peace. I am overwhelmed with joy by all of you one of kind Jesus people. How tasty you all are! And enjoy relationship! There is nothing quite like the glory manifested in all relationships!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Yummy Nanny

I have been in a crazy active chapter in my life. There is soooo much happening and so many changes! Just a few months ago if felt like my life was changing so slowing... like a page snail sneaking to the next chapter of my life. Now it feels like the pages are moving wildly fast! It's like the parts in the moving that are action packed and fun and filled with so much experience. I do not have time at the moment to truly describe all that is going on, but soon I will be getting my own lap top which will allow much more time to share the wonders of me and Jesus and our wild little life.

To give a quick synopsis, I quit my preschool job, moved out of my house, and am now a live in nanny. I am still in the same city but doing many different things. I am basically a mother to four children ages 2 through 9 and also live with their grandmother. Together we manage the house while their parents are away in Afghanistan. In October I go back to school and move in with my older sister for a year if we get the house and then will live on campus. Of course God is in control and can change things as He pleases.

I've stayed a week in Marietta with this family, been to special toy stores and museums, went Contra dancing, and truly learning/enjoying a whole new life. All the while God is changing my Bible and prayer habits and has gotten me to trust Him even more deeply. He keeps giving me even more revelation of grace as I live day by day. Most of all I am learning I can do anything with Him!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Jesus Saved

Hello my beloved readers. I actually have some time in my wild little Jesus life to do some serious (ha ha) blogging. So here I am writing to you from my happy vacation with my brother and sister in law in beautiful Texas. I want to thank you ahead of time because blogging this next section is helping me better understand and see the latest revelations God has shown me about my awesome Jesus and His finished work on the cross.

I was always taught in church and in my Sunday school class that there were sinners and the saved. The saved were the people who asked Jesus into their heart and somehow like magic in that exact moment you were transformed into a new creature. Everybody else though, forgive my brashness, was screwed unless they accepted Jesus and doomed to hellish torment for all eternity. Bless my Jesus that I did not spend too much time even paying attention to the theologies I learned in the church but most of my time being sweetly loved by my Jesus. Once I came to correct teaching it lined up with what I had already experienced of my true Jesus in my heart. It made sense. It made me happy. It worked. So that was what I was taught before, but here is what I understand now.

Jesus died for every single person on this planet past, present, and future. The word "all" is used so often in the New Testament it's hilarious that I ever missed it. Just a few verses include 2 Cor. 5:10 (salvation for world), Titus 2:11 and John 12:32 (all people), 2 Cor. 5:13 (all died in Christ), Romans 5:18-19, and 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 (all made alive in Christ). Salvation isn't about our response to Christ, but His response to you. There are now simple believers and unbelievers. Believers are already enjoying the benefits of this reality of true holiness and unity with Christ and blissed out joy and love while unbelievers are simply those who do not believe what Christ has done for them and live a lie. If you don't know that God loves you, saved you, made you perfect, made you one with Him, is totally flipping awesome and made you that way.... well if you don't know that... you are going to be pretty miserable and look to anything to try to make yourself feel better. You will do what we like to call... sin. The beautiful thing is that "Christ died for us while we were yet sinners."(Romans 5:8) Paul evens tells the pagans in Acts 17:28, "we are his offspring." Jesus married His bride and then fixed her. His kiss of the cross is what transformed her. Our sin should not be the emphasis because He killed it... instead the truth... Jesus... His salvation... His love is our every word and message.

All the unbelievers in our world are family, saved, children of God... they just don't know it yet. They are lost. They are walking around with a false identity. But Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Now He lives through us and as we drink this message ourselves we cannot help but be overflowing well springs of love and truth. We cannot help but see Jesus in everyone and everything because His light shines in the darkness. Our message changes from, "accept Jesus" to "Jesus accepted you, He loves you, He made you new, you are His special child and He just wants to bliss you our forever." And once you simply believe that like a little child, well, lets just say you are going look and act just like the little unique reflection of Jesus that you are.

This brings up questions like will all someday believe him and why do some not? To answer those... I simply don't know, but Christ lives in me and He does so I am okay with not having all the answers. But I must say I do hope that someday just like God Himself hopes, "that all will come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9) and that "all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 2:4). Do I believe that people can decide to believe on Christ and enjoy reality after death... I'm not sure. But I will say that the Word when describing heaven does say that the "gates will never be closed" (Rev. 21:25, Isaiah 60:11, and Isaiah 26:2). Scripture always tells us that "love always hopes" and "love never fails (1 Cor. 13: 7-8). I also believing that hell is a self inflicted place of unbelief. God still loves those who chose to lie in that lie world and He still sees them as saved. I believe both heaven and hell are manifested on earth in the present too from those who believe and don't. But I cannot help but hope that everyone will someday whether in this life or the next will decide to believe on Christ just as much as a family member with a lost loved one wishes that someday their child will come back home. And isn't this the Father's attitude in the story of the prodigal son.

Finally I say if we believe that sin could enter to all people through one man Adam why can't we believe that salvation entered to all people through Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:21-22). Seriously who is stronger... sin or Jesus. Jesus won hands down. And He won by dying naked on tree and... possessing evil itself and dying it's death. "He became sin who knew no sin, that we might become His righteousness." (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Jesus loves you. Jesus saved you. Jesus, the most awesome bridegroom of all time married you and now you are just like Him and can enjoy Him and be enjoyed by Him forever. And now you can enjoy the big Jesus family and let them know that what He did for you, He did for them too. Now that is the good news. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yummy Good Byes

Well, I thought I would update you on all the changes that have happened in just two weeks time! I applied for a nanny job last month and they got back to me. I was told they went from 20 applicants down to four they were interviewing. I was one of the four. I had my interview two Tuesdays ago. They called me the next day. I got the job. It's a live in nanny position for four children while their parents are deployed in Afghanistan. I will be living with the kids and one of the grandmothers for a couple months and then the other grandmother for the rest. It's a beautiful place, the kids are awesome, and the pay is blessed of God if you know what I mean. Only thing is I had to put in my two weeks notice at the preschool right away because they want me to start April 2. So today was my last day working at the preschool since I graduated in 2009 with my Associates in Early Childhood. My preschool parents spoiled me with a cake (it's the one in the picture), a necklace, clothes, flowers, cards, and more! It's crazy that I'm leaving their children and they still blessed me. My co-worker told me it's because I was good to them. It's funny how me just being me has made such a difference to people. It's kind of amazing really. These simple Headstart parents really blew me away. God closed this door so gently for me and with so much love.

So tomorrow I fly off to Texas to visit my brother and sister in law. The perfect time for a vacation! Then I come back for one day and then head to live with my new kids as their nanny. Next I head to college full time to complete my Bachelors degree in Early Childhood and possibly do my student teaching overseas. So yah... I guess you could say... I moved out of the nest and am really starting to soar.

It's just crazy. I just lifted my wee little wings and said "ok Jesus" and He blew. "I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar."

Go ahead and soar world! Be yourself. Enjoy Him. And let His love lift you to places you never thought you could go. :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Two Steps Back and a Big Leap

It has been awhile beloved readers. Sorry about that. I have been very preoccupied with life... but it is a good preoccupied. I would like to update you on what God is doing with this next chapter of my life.

I have been working as a preschool teacher since I graduated in 2009. I have loved working with my kids and families and my beloved staff. God has taught me soooooo much there and I have enjoyed every moment. I must say it has been a wild crazy little ride at Headstart. But it has become clear that in order to do what I love and help serve these children I must have my Bachelors' degree. And of course God has a way of making His desires your own. So this will be my last year at Headstart. After the summer I will be going back to school, hopefully living on campus (another huge leap for me- living on my own) and getting my Bachelors. I am also considering doing my student teaching in Africa. I feel God has more to teach me from that place. From there God will open the next door. But He has made it clear that it is much bigger then here. He has convinced me He is my husband and I must follow Him alone. I am under Him and though I love my family and friends... I'm on this wild adventure with Him and He is just plain so wild, wonderful, and crazy awesome that I can't help but follow Him. I am wildly in love with Him. And if He wants me to live a wild, abnormal life and is convinced that He can use little old me... then I say... "Jesus, the only response I have is I'm all yours."

So in some senses it seems odd that after getting out of school and then slowly progressing to lead teacher I am now going back to school. My big quote for this chapter of my life has been, "You gotta take two steps backward to take a giant leap forwards."

I must admit I am a wee bit nervous about leaving home, leaving work, trusting God to provide for me financially at school, making new friends, etc.... but I am also extremely excited. And God has ruined me in a good way and I simply must believe Him. Love and faith is my only response to Him. I mean... what can I say... Jesus killed me and made me new. I belong to Him. Let's do it.

In the meanwhile... this song has been an inspiration to me throughout my life. It might seem cheesy to some, but I believe there's so much glory on it. I encourage you all to fly with Jesus. He has given you wings! Love you all. Jesus blessings!

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Here I am listening to some music...yes it's E.T. by Katy Perry and of course some Bruno Mars, etc. I am not going to lie, I can really feel heaven in some of those songs. But as I sit hear listening to music (this one is Skyscraper by Lovato) I simply must write a bit about the teenagers I've been around.

I have grown up in a church where I used to help lead a kid's group. I've grown up with these kids and love them dearly and have seen them become God loving teenagers who really enjoy real Jesus. Now I pop in at their youth group some times and keep relationships with them. I see so much glory in them and am sooo refreshed by them because they are soooo real! Anyhozers we had a just girl's sleepover prayer thing Friday night. God blew me away with those girls. I ended up staying up til 2 am joining the girls as they opened up and received love and prayers through one another. They also prayed for me and I received words from God and sooooo much love! Now that is heaven on earth.

Lately I have also been joining the teen class as a support to their young teacher, to be around them, and to be honest... because I get bored during the sermon. I love it because they are so open for Jesus to move. And God has used me to give the teens a little nudge when it comes to healing. I encouraged them to just declare the healing and keep it simple. Well over the past few weeks a kid got his back healed instantly and just today a girl got instantly healed from her headache and another from her knee! But what was most awesome to me was to see the kids step up and let Jesus use them and how excited they got when it worked! Praise God! 

So now I am going to lead the teen Sunday school class next quarter and I am pumped. I just can't wait to tell them what Jesus has done for them on the cross, to tell to them more about the Good News, and to empower them and let them lead. I haven't felt this thrilled and excited in awhile. If you want to pray for me and these teens I'll totally take it. (Readers feel free to share your own Jesus-ness in the comments too and pray. You all got Jesus and His light!) It is so true that when the older generation bends down to lift up the younger you feel soooooooo good! It is truly exhilarating. I feel soooo alive right now. It is probably also because God reminded me through the gals prayers that night what an influence I have made on the girls. Sometimes we just don't realize how much we shine and it is soooo encouraging to hear it. Praise God. We are His lights. We can enjoy Him, He enjoys us, we enjoy others, and they enjoy us. Let's do it! Go Generation by Generation!!!